Holthaus Advies
Finance and tax


Holthaus Advies believes that every company, no matter the size, should be managed based on financial reporting. This means that we continually look at the profit, cash and balance sheet, so we can proactively support your business decisions. We organise your financial accounts based on financial insight and therefore not (only) on the basis of the obligations to the government. Holthaus Advies is your CFO on demand.


Holthaus Advies is a one-stop-shop for finance and tax affairs. Holthaus Advies takes care of the financial accounting, annual accounts, all tax returns, payroll administration and tax advice. We organise the financial accounting with your financial reports in mind and therefore we have recurring contact moments in order to proactively contribute to these three arenas.
For example, if new team members are hired from abroad or a merger or acquisition takes place, financial and tax decisions have to be made. Holthaus Advies is able to help with every aspect, from applying for a 30% ruling, or providing a full-fledged due diligence report.


All our clients are assigned a personal Holthaus Advies manager who at least has a bachelor or master’s degree and has at least 5 years of work experience. This manager is always available through a personal number. We use a 24/7 policy, meaning a response within 24 working hours. Internally we also work closely together. We use short lines between managers, trainees and partners, thus achieving and maintaining personal involvement in both areas.


We understand what it’s like to run a business. Most financial administration firms use yearly annual accounts and income tax returns as their main point of focus, which are drawn up retroactively. Holthaus Advies on the other hand, looks ahead at the financial strategy of your business and is constantly aware of tax risks. Holthaus Advies has a business mindset, just as you.


Holthaus Advies is continuously looking for the most innovative ways to unburden its clients. The scan and recognition software is making manual accounting a thing of the past. Receipts and invoices are entered directly into accounting software on the basis of OCR (Optical Character Recognition). Customers no longer provide their financial documents' hard-copy, but digitally via a dropbox or a drive. Holthaus Advies works digitally. Our customers have insight into their financial position at all times through online accounting programs. The software enables us to process the financial documents quickly and therefore at a competitive rate.